Bruce Eamon Brown is a special presenter for the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) Champions of Character Program. Previously, Bruce served as the athletic director at Northwest College in Kirkland, Washington.
A retired coach, he has worked at every level of education in his more than three decades of teaching and coaching. His coaching experiences include basketball, football, volleyball, and baseball at the junior high and high school levels, and basketball at the junior college and college levels. He has been involved with championship teams at each level of competition. Bruce has authored several books and is the featured speaker on nine sport coaching videos.
Bruce Brown's message resonates with coaches, mentors, and leaders alike by shining a light on the often forgotten importance of developing athletes beyond their physical skills. He speaks to the critical importance of athletes developing into leaders, habits and behaviours of effective peer leadership, practicing sportsmanship, the qualities of great teams, team building, the role of parents in athletics and more. Join us at the 2020 BC Minor Baseball Annual Coaches Conference and walk away with the insights Bruce so effectively delivers!
Register HERE now!
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